More about Dr Johan Janse van Noordwyk
Dr Johan Janse van Noordwyk is a dentist practicing in Table View, Cape Town. He qualified from the University of Stellenbosch and has years of experience in the field of dentistry. At our practice, we truly care about the dental well-being of our patients. We therefore always strive towards service excellence by providing comprehensive and friendly service.
We specialise in providing a complete list dental care services, including specialist dental procedures and teeth whitening. We also have an in-house oral hygienist to complement our services, which means our patients can come to us for all of their dental care needs. For your beauty needs, we also do Botox and fillers!
We are always ready and willing to assist all of our patients in taking the very best care of their oral hygiene.
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Our services
We provide a complete solution to all of your dental care needs, and our services include the following:
- Root canal treatments
- Restorative and cosmetic dentistry
- Placement and restoring of implants
- Extractions
- Crown and bridge work
- Teeth whitening
- Botox and filler
Our team of professionals are always at hand to deliver excellent and professionals service. Feel free to contact us to make an appointment!